Risk equals opportunity

The Chinese word for risk is Fung Hem (don’t know whether it is Cantonese or Mandarin) and the same word means also opportunity. Fung Hem (风险) is to me very much true for anything that has to do with outsourcing, shared services, joint ventures and any other delivery model where internal activities are ‘rationalised’ by centralising them and/or changes in ownership.

I used to share my experiences in this area by writing articles and lecturing but my wife started a blog recently to write about her experiences of being a ‘legal alien’ here in The Netherlands, and this triggered me to share some of my thoughts about sourcing the same way. This also means that my English is far from native…
My aim of this blog is to provide on one hand my thoughts and idea’s about the risks and opportunities embedded within the decision to use external sources of supply and link to interesting articles and views I encounter while ‘grazing’ on the internet and in my inbox. From my side it would be great to hear your thoughts and idea’s on the subject as the joy in my working life consists largely of discovering and combining new bits of knowledge


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